Monday, October 25, 2010

Something Different You Ask

On saturday I went on a haunted trail type of thing. It was in CT I dont know which part but I went with some family friends. We waited in the longest line ever and as time passed it got colder and colder. It started off as a trolley ride. I rode one of the oldest trolly's that used to run through that part of Ct back in the 1300's. It was very interesting. The trolly was indeed old, the conductor said its so old that if you threw your head back against the glass, your head could go straight through. That was scary. Soon the ride started and off we went. It was a 5-8 minute ride when the conductor said "Sometimes these ATV riders start fires on the track OMG!" then she ran off. Next thing you know all these scary monster's, all types of people ad things came on the trolly! I wasnt very scared but at certain points I was. They didnt touch you but they got as close as can be. They had the little things that were like sticks & you could set them on fire. They had chainsaw's, glow in the dark worms (lol), firecrackers, all types of things. Then we rode backwards. We stood in line for the Haunted House next. It was another conductor. He was like showing us different types of trolly's. This was kind of scary because we were on foot. People were popping out of nowhere, people were following us. It was so creepy! Overall I had a lot of fun. I've never been to a haunted house or on a trolly ride. My weekend was exciting (:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Midterm Grades

Four out of five of my class’s grades are up and I like what I’m seeing so far. My grades aren’t horrible, I have two B’s & a C. For those three classes I just make sure I go to each class, write all the notes that I can, study, write extra notes, look over my notes, things like that to make sure I stay caught up in my classes. I have a lot of free time so I use a lot of it doing homework, studying or doing homework.  My math grade is the only grade I don’t like. Overall I don’t like math. I’m just not good at it so I don’t like it. The only thing I think I should do is get extra help because I attend every class, I pay attention, write notes, do my homework & class work but sometimes it just doesn’t click. So when I think I have it I really don’t. I’m going to start going to a tutor & attending my professor’s office hours so she can help me. Also practicing more problems & things like that because I don’t want to fail & I want to pass with a good grade. My final class we haven’t been given our midterm yet but I’m not worried because to me the class is easy to learn & to adjust to so I don’t think the midterm will be a problem. I’m not ready yet but I will be soon. Overall I think my grades aren’t bad for a midterm grade, except for math. I’ll just make sure to continue being on task & staying ahead of the game.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Readings

The reading about students expectation is the reading that stuck out the most to me. I fully understand the part where Professor Grossman said: “I tell my classes that if they just do what they are supposed to do and meet the standard requirements, that they will earn a C,” he said. “That is the default grade. They see the default grade as an A.” I agree with this because I think everybody see's this as the grade you get when you do all your work and earn high grades, attend class everyday and pay attention.  Mr. Greenwood said: “If you put in all the effort you have and get a C, what is the point?nIf someone goes to every class and reads every chapter in the book and does everything the teacher asks of them and more, then they should be getting an A like their effort deserves. If your maximum effort can only be average in a teacher’s mind, then something is wrong.” I especially agree with the last sentence because no teacher should be able to sum up a students effort in their mind. It should be something to really think about. Overall i feel as though this isnt the way to get an A. I think it all depends on the student's grades earned, participation, notes, and things like that. An A is the highest grade that can be achieved but its not always what you'll get.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Good Blogging (:

Honestly I don’t know what makes a good blog post. I don’t know anybody that blogs on the daily. I was never really into blogging and I don’t know anybody that’s into blogging so if I don’t answer this question properly I’m sorry. I’ll just go off of what I think. In my opinion a good blog post is very detailed. It should be something like writing a paper. An introduction, main ideas with supporting details and a conclusion. Anybody that reads it should automatically understand what it is about other than from reading the title. Say you are blogging about a movie review. You are supposed to talk about what made it a good movie and/or a bad movie. Everything you say you have to explain and back up. If I was writing a review and it was about Toy Story 3 I would say that movie is funny and very dramatic. I would say funny because of the part where Woody is escaping from the daycare with a kite and just before he lands the kite makes him fly up in the air. That part was funny to me. It was dramatic because towards the end when they were about to die, the fire was roaring and everybody was holding hands then the Martians came & rescued them. It was extremely dramatic. That would just be an example of how you should explain yourself. Overall I think a good blog is understandable and expresses its purpose vividly. You shouldn’t have a issue understanding.

My Major =)

My Major is Psychology. It took me a while to make this my final decision. As high school started I wanted to be a lawyer but I was told it’s a lot of school, time & money. That didn’t bother me as much but then I realized it is not something I would enjoy so I switched to wanting to be a doctor. I didn’t know what type of doctor yet. Sooner or later I was told being a doctor takes a lot of science & math. I dislike both those subject & I’m not good in either. I thought I could deal but then I realized almost everybody in my family does something that’s close to being a doctor or in the medical field so I switched again. Plus I realized I wouldn’t have fun in that field. It just wasn’t me. My senior year I realized how good I am with people, how good I am at helping people cope with life problems. Any type of problems, I was always the go to person. The person with the answer so then I said hey I could be a psychologist. That then was my final decision because I feel I can deal with people’s problems no matter how hard. I hate to see people stressed out or worried all the time. I always feel the need to help plus I always have fun so I said why not make it into a career. I don’t want to have a career I don’t find fun, so I switched to psychology & I’m sticking with it.

Friday, October 1, 2010


At first the INQ Midterm Project was so confusing to me but after reading it multiple times, talking with classmates & with Ms. Guarino I understand it more. I know how I want to put it together & who I’ll interview I just don’t know what my topic is. I feel extremely indecisive because I either want to talk about multi-tasking or the intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. I think both are nice topics I just don’t know what kind of questions to ask to make the topic is explained more. With multi-tasking my main question is: where is the line drawn for how much you can do at once when it comes to multi-tasking? & for motivation I was going to ask: how much of a want should you or can you have in order to do something whether you have to or want to? I think both re nice I just done know what other questions I can ask before I ask that question. I mean help me out here INQ class, what do you think would really bring any of these two topic’s out? I don’t really know but I’m going to think more about both & come to a conclusion before this day is over, then dedicate my Saturday to asking my few people the question & put my first draft project together.