Monday, October 25, 2010

Something Different You Ask

On saturday I went on a haunted trail type of thing. It was in CT I dont know which part but I went with some family friends. We waited in the longest line ever and as time passed it got colder and colder. It started off as a trolley ride. I rode one of the oldest trolly's that used to run through that part of Ct back in the 1300's. It was very interesting. The trolly was indeed old, the conductor said its so old that if you threw your head back against the glass, your head could go straight through. That was scary. Soon the ride started and off we went. It was a 5-8 minute ride when the conductor said "Sometimes these ATV riders start fires on the track OMG!" then she ran off. Next thing you know all these scary monster's, all types of people ad things came on the trolly! I wasnt very scared but at certain points I was. They didnt touch you but they got as close as can be. They had the little things that were like sticks & you could set them on fire. They had chainsaw's, glow in the dark worms (lol), firecrackers, all types of things. Then we rode backwards. We stood in line for the Haunted House next. It was another conductor. He was like showing us different types of trolly's. This was kind of scary because we were on foot. People were popping out of nowhere, people were following us. It was so creepy! Overall I had a lot of fun. I've never been to a haunted house or on a trolly ride. My weekend was exciting (:

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