Friday, October 22, 2010

Midterm Grades

Four out of five of my class’s grades are up and I like what I’m seeing so far. My grades aren’t horrible, I have two B’s & a C. For those three classes I just make sure I go to each class, write all the notes that I can, study, write extra notes, look over my notes, things like that to make sure I stay caught up in my classes. I have a lot of free time so I use a lot of it doing homework, studying or doing homework.  My math grade is the only grade I don’t like. Overall I don’t like math. I’m just not good at it so I don’t like it. The only thing I think I should do is get extra help because I attend every class, I pay attention, write notes, do my homework & class work but sometimes it just doesn’t click. So when I think I have it I really don’t. I’m going to start going to a tutor & attending my professor’s office hours so she can help me. Also practicing more problems & things like that because I don’t want to fail & I want to pass with a good grade. My final class we haven’t been given our midterm yet but I’m not worried because to me the class is easy to learn & to adjust to so I don’t think the midterm will be a problem. I’m not ready yet but I will be soon. Overall I think my grades aren’t bad for a midterm grade, except for math. I’ll just make sure to continue being on task & staying ahead of the game.

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