Monday, September 27, 2010

The SCSU Vs ACI Football Game (:

I attended the SCSU – ACI football game. It actually turned out really fun. I’ve never really attended a football game. I always go to basketball games so it was exciting. There are plenty of things I don’t know about football so half of the time I was asking questions. My friend Randall was telling me all about it. There was times when ACI made goals but didn’t get the points because of some type of something they did while running I guess. I don’t know I don’t remember what he said. All I remember is the ACI member at the goal with the ball, then upset because he didn’t get the points. It was fun cheering. We were stomping, cheering “SCSU!” screaming, it was fun. The cheerleaders were fun, so was the owl & the drum line. People have a lot of school spirit. This one guy was shirtless with bow’s (like they put on presents) on his chest & had face paint on. Another guy had on a green body suit from head to toe. It was funny & I thought it was cool of him to do, but I would never do it. I saw Oscar & his hair was blue. The football game was packed! It was loud, live & exciting. I actually loved it while I was there, but I didn’t stay for the whole game because I got tired, cold & had class the next morning. If I didn’t have class I would of stayed the whole game! Plus we won :D

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time Management: My Opinion

What is time management? In my opinion time management is when you manage your time wisely. Doing what’s most important first, from hardest to easiest then doing what’s not so important after. I know people who think time management is the best thing that was ever invented, as to people who just don’t care. Then there’s people who use time management, but only because they have to. Personally I don’t manage my time. Well I manage my time, but not on paper. I know how I am & I know how to sort work & play time out so I can get things done. The only thing I usually do is procrastinate, but that’s just how I am. When it comes to papers that are due, I finish then within an hour depending on the type of paper & I always get it done the day it’s given to me most likely. Things like readings or math I would do a day before due. I feel like if I manage my time on paper ill confuse myself. The way my life is, things come up, things change, or distractions occur so ill eventually end up off track & confused. I just feel like time management on paper isn’t for me. I’m better off doing it in my head like saying: “I’m going to go to my dorm & do my math, then write notes for psychology, take a nap then wake up & write notes for wellness”. That would be the schedule for today. For tomorrow I’ll probably do one of my blogs, get my safari things finished, get the readings finished & take a nap. In between those things I’ll be socializing, eating, bathroom breaks etc. I multitask a lot. I do write sticky notes, write on my calendar & in my planner days that are important & assignments that are due then tell myself to do one thing on a certain day to prepare for the day its due. Overall yes I’m into time management I just don’t take the time to write my daily tasks down.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Random [:

So I decided to blog about why I didn’t blog on time this week. I came home for the weekend. Friday night I had company for the whole day so I told myself ill do it Saturday night when I get home from the mall. I was thinking like there’s no way I’ll be home after 12am so I can do it when I get home, since I had no time to do it before. I ended up getting home after two am -__- I came to my room like great I didn’t blog & it’s after twelve, I’m screwed. It was already too late so I decided I would do it now. I started it at 10am, but I had to leave so I didn’t finish. Now I’m back in my dorm, finish up this blog. I obviously learned my lesson, never to put off what’s important for something that isn’t so important. I don’t know why I waited so long because I had a whole week, but I did & I regret it. Next time I know to do it & finish it so it’s out of the way & I don’t have to worry about it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Readings

My favorite reading would have to be the reading called 10,000 hours for success. The way they put this reading together was interesting. How they put certain people in certain groups then took the time to dig deep into their past & discover that those who were called “the stars” were more passionate about their music over the ones who were likely to be music teachers. Study’s like this show that if you’re passionate about what you want to be, like if you have a real want & need to be successful in a certain field it’s possible with time & effort. But even so some people are very successful in things they don’t work hard in, but I would call that luck or life. I don’t agree with the 10,000 hours being the number of success though. I mean you don’t have to have that much hours of anything to be successful. I think it’s just how bad you want something & how hard you’re willing to work for it.

The Adjustment

One obstacle I can say I had to adjust to & get over with is the fact that I have to blog! I have never blogged before & cud never see myself blogging. I find it so boring, pointless & a waste of time BUT this is college & I have to be mature about this. I just do what I have to & do my best in it. I make sure to give it a lot of detail so it doesn’t seem like I’m a slacker or don’t care because I do. I mean it’s cool that you get to make a profile, add pictures and things like that. The fact that I have to write it is what annoys me. I mean what’s the true point of blogging. You can compare it to Facebook because it’s a way to network but it’s different because Facebook is my choice ; whereas blogging I have to do. I never even know what to write about. The bad thing is I have a maximum amount of writing I have to do & I try my best to meet it. Other than blogging college is very acceptable. I like everything else about all my classes. I’m not being given a lot of work or work that I can’t do. The way that I face this obstacle is by just doing it. I mean it’s either that or fail this part of the homework which isn’t an option. I’m not the type to give up or just not do something because I don’t want to so I just blog & get it over with.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Those Fivee Things !

1) Determined

2) Music Is Life ♪ ♫ ♪

3) Love Money Happiness

4) Astrology Freak (:

5) Educated Mind

I would call myself determined because once I go after something I won’t stop until I get or accomplish it. I don’t like to give up, I get real determined. I also get serious with the things I do. My future for example I am very dedicated to my future. I will do what I have to so my future is bright. I take precautions on things I know could mess my future up. Music is something that keeps me together. Without music I don’t know what I will do. When I’m sad, down, crying, depressed, anything music always come through for me. It makes me feel better about a lot of situations. It’s the one thing that always understands me & can compare to how I feel. Love, money, & happiness. The three words I love! I love to love, I love the feeling. What more can I say? Money. I love money. Honestly it’s the other thing that keeps me motivated. The idea of money makes me happy. Knowing I have money keeps me happy. Happiness is needed in life. I do my best to stay happy. Astrology, I don’t know why but I love astrology. Comparing and contrasting birthdays; telling someone who they’re compatible with, things like that. Educated mind. I find myself educated with a want & need for more. I love to be educated. To me it’s fun being able to learn new things. People that think they know everything is a turn off. The ignorant mind is the one that doesn’t like to learn.

College !! (:

"Inquiry?? I never even heard of that word." those were my first thoughts; like what is that class?? After careful explanation I realized it’s a mandatory class for all incoming freshman. As of right now I can’t really say it’s helpful because it’s only been a week o__O BUT my class is awesome! I've met & talked to everybody in my class & they all seem like wonderful people. It’s cool that everybody is outgoing ... well we all talk a lot because in the last two classes, a lot of talking took place. The game we played on the first day was cool. It like forced us to talk to each other which I didn’t mind. I turned to Nikki & said "Uhhhh favorite color??" As for Inquiry it’s an ok class so far, can’t really judge something I don’t know yet. The people are cool on the plus side =]

Defining college is like defining love. It has multiple meanings & everyone's opinion is always different. To me College is the other side of the door. The next step to your future. Once you’re in college you begin to shape your future with the decisions you make & the things you do. College is my guidance to my future. The big help I need to get where I want to go. Being is college is the direction to your major. For instance I want to be a psychologist so college is that thing I need to become one. The education, or smarts, I should have to become what I want. Academically being a student in college means waking up every morning and bringing myself to class, getting my class work & homework done, reading, studying; basically doing what I have to so I can succeed. Socially it helps me meet new people. Beginning College one might be shy. I think once in college you have to overcome that shyness. Personally it’s my step into adult hood. The time in life where I have to become a woman. Taking care of myself, making sure I stay on task & do what I have to do. Growing up (: