Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time Management: My Opinion

What is time management? In my opinion time management is when you manage your time wisely. Doing what’s most important first, from hardest to easiest then doing what’s not so important after. I know people who think time management is the best thing that was ever invented, as to people who just don’t care. Then there’s people who use time management, but only because they have to. Personally I don’t manage my time. Well I manage my time, but not on paper. I know how I am & I know how to sort work & play time out so I can get things done. The only thing I usually do is procrastinate, but that’s just how I am. When it comes to papers that are due, I finish then within an hour depending on the type of paper & I always get it done the day it’s given to me most likely. Things like readings or math I would do a day before due. I feel like if I manage my time on paper ill confuse myself. The way my life is, things come up, things change, or distractions occur so ill eventually end up off track & confused. I just feel like time management on paper isn’t for me. I’m better off doing it in my head like saying: “I’m going to go to my dorm & do my math, then write notes for psychology, take a nap then wake up & write notes for wellness”. That would be the schedule for today. For tomorrow I’ll probably do one of my blogs, get my safari things finished, get the readings finished & take a nap. In between those things I’ll be socializing, eating, bathroom breaks etc. I multitask a lot. I do write sticky notes, write on my calendar & in my planner days that are important & assignments that are due then tell myself to do one thing on a certain day to prepare for the day its due. Overall yes I’m into time management I just don’t take the time to write my daily tasks down.

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