Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Recap On The Articles

The question that I really could relate to is the question Shannon asked. She asked something that was related to students feeling as though they deserve one grade but in reality get another. In my opinion it all depends. Some students will indeed try their hardest on an assignment and get a grade they didnt think they should get or deserve. One example I could think of is my roommate. She isnt good in English so when she had a paper to do she had it checked three times. Twice with the professor and once with a tutor. Since Im good in English she asked me & I gave my opinion theneverything is cool. When she was given her final grade it was a D. Honestly I dont think she deserved it and she doesnt either. I watched as she took almost a week's time to get that paper perfected and didnt get a good grade. Even the professor said it was a good paper, but she still gave her a D. The type of student I am I start an assignment when its given to me unless I really cant then I wont, other then that Ill start ASAP. I put my all into something and I finish it right when I start it. I usually get the grade I think I deserve. The point of that example is because you may put your all into something and still not get the grade you deserved. All professors have different opinions, so does tutors and even friends. Its all about opinions, beliefs, the past, so much things.

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