Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving ((:

My mom and my aunt decided that both of them don’t need to cook so for thanksgiving my aunt cooked at her house. My mom did help though. She made some of the food like the fried chicken, the Mac n' cheese and the curry goat. She also made some of the desert like the cake and the cornbread. We had a lot of food and I had a lot to eat. Dinner started at 6pm - ish. All together we had fried chicken, curry goat, oxtail, stew peas, white rice, rice and peas, Mac n' cheese, stew chicken, fried fish, cornbread, chocolate cake, potato salad, and ham. I made a full plate because I was sooooo hungry and I brought home two plates full of food. After eating we all just sat around and watched some football game, I don’t know what game because I wasn’t watching it. I was on the computer taking some of my best friends’ music. Then me and my cousin sat around and talked about her party because she was having one the next day. That was fun by the way, she looked nice and so did I. Overall, I had a blast that day and that night I had a good sleep. The first picture is me and my best friend Tashseanna. The second is a picture of my cousin's blessing the food on Thanksgiving. The third is (left to right) me, the birthday girl Davia, my best friend Deka and her friends Shaneka. The fourth is me and Deka boogy-ing LOL  :D

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Taking The Responsibility

So last night I had a party. Well it was more my little sitter’s sweet sixteen. I invited a few people because I birthday had just pasted and I was going to cut my cake with her. First off I got to the party late because I got my outfit ready at the last minute then when I got to the party I was really mad because I didn’t like the crowd. It was really packed. Most of the crowd was ok but the crowd to my right was just bad. I wanted them all to leave because I felt like something bad was going to happen and they were being too bad. I then went to find the friends I invited. I felt as though their safety was in my hands so I took that responsibility. These kids were dancing and next thing you know their getting ready to fight. Some of them were kicked out while the rest just left. I was happy because now I know the party will be good and it did because everybody felt more comfortable  so they were dancing and things like that then I hear that kids were outside shooting. I was like oh my god so my cousin grabs me and went towards the back. Once we got back their I grabbed all my friends and kept them together to make sure I can see them. Everything started to come to an end so I was like ok. They then started kicking everybody out the club. I made sure my friends stayed with me until the crowd goes out and clears. Their rides started coming slowly and I also told them to call me in 5 minutes after they left so I knew they were ok.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Issue's -_-

I've had two major issue's since this semester started. My first issue was the financial one. At one point the deadline for the Fall 2010 bill was coming up. I was in SEOP and I feel as though if i wasnt I probably wouldnt be here. I didnt know that date was approaching until my friends told me. Me and a couple of people when to the Wintergreen building and it took a while but everything was sorted out just 1 day before the due date. I was so lucky because at first I didnt have the full amount but after a few talks and strings being pulled I accomplished my goal. My second issue was the non-heat I had in my room. I do not like to be cold at all and my dorm room was below zero. I couldnt take it. I'm extremely anemic so I was always in here shivering. I told my CC and she said its because of the construction. I was like ok a few more days is fine but then things started to get serious and I needed the heat. So i made another complaint a few weeks later and as of now my dorm is room. I can sleep a lot better and more peacefully and comfortably (:

This Caught My Eye (:

"Live the life you love, love the life you live!"

I've never heard this quote before and I really love it =]

The "Mind Thinking" Class, Psychology =]

The one class that always has me moving is my Psychology 100 class. I have that class Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:10am to 9:00am. That early in the morning most of the time I'm tired and hungry. I sometimes do not have time to eat so I go to class and get food after. Anyways, I'm always sleepy but once I'm in that class and the Prefessor Lenny starts to talk I'm wide awake. He's literally makes that class extremely interesting. My major is Psychology so it interests me anyways but even if it wasnt I know I would be interested. Everything he talks about he has a story to help explain it or a simular example to help break down what he means. He show pictures, plays movies and uses his family, friends, neighbors and sometimes clients to help break down his purpose. I had that class today and I was really tired. The topic was sleep ironically and dreams. He asked the class who sleepwalks and I told him I sleep talk. He also talked about how not getting enough sleep can basically make you crazy. He gave us a bunch of sleeping disorders like Narcolepsy and some sleep facts like 20 Million people in the US have sleeping problems. He also discussed how not getting enough sleep is bad which I realized I need to be getting enough sleep. He explained dreams and how when babies start to cry or anything like that in their sleep it isnt a big deal. Overall I love that class. I would recommend it to anybody.

Comfort Zonee (:

My place where i like to study is right in my nice warm room, on my nice soft comfy bed with my teddy bear Baby. He's my love, I love him sooo much <3 I always study with him next to me. I study in this spot because it's always quiet and its comfortable. I can have on my pajamas, blast me music loud and sit how I want. I can even make something to eat in this spot while studying, doing homework, writing notes or anything in that matter. When I'm ready to take a break to either go to the bathroom or get something to eat, or even to just relax a little from the intensity of doing so much work I can just push it over to the side for a few and relax. I like to multitask so I can even check text here and there or accept calls sometimes if I'm not too busy. Overall this is the spot where I get all of my work done, I'm very satisfied with this spot, it’s the most comfy for me. Other places I would probably take a book out for class and ready or take a few notes is in the Student Center in one of the cubby-like tables with my back turned towards the crowds. I get distracted easily when people and things around me are on the go so if my back is turned and I’m doing something simple I can do it there.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Relieving Stress

Something that I did to relieve stress was going home. It’s crazy because I thought I wasn’t going to be able to go home but I actually did in the end. I like to come home because there is always something to do. Most of my friends come home too so we usually get together and find something to do. I also come home because I miss my family. My mom misses me and my little brother and I know they do and I miss them too so I come home to see them. Usually when I come home I’m either with my best friend Lala and my cousin Toya. We usually just drive around going to see other people or go from store to store or to the mall. My cousin has a baby so if we have her we just chill at my house. Sometimes I go to New Britain to chill with some more of my friends that live out there or they come to my house and we just relax. Every weekend its different because I may either be with my little cousin and my friend, with my best friends, with my mom and some family friends, with my cousin or at my other little cousins house. I always enjoy going home because to me it’s relaxing. I always have something to do but when I’m at school its nothing to do so I’m always bored. Sometimes I forget I have to blog and I forget! But I always end up doing it right on time.    

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Recap On The Articles

The question that I really could relate to is the question Shannon asked. She asked something that was related to students feeling as though they deserve one grade but in reality get another. In my opinion it all depends. Some students will indeed try their hardest on an assignment and get a grade they didnt think they should get or deserve. One example I could think of is my roommate. She isnt good in English so when she had a paper to do she had it checked three times. Twice with the professor and once with a tutor. Since Im good in English she asked me & I gave my opinion theneverything is cool. When she was given her final grade it was a D. Honestly I dont think she deserved it and she doesnt either. I watched as she took almost a week's time to get that paper perfected and didnt get a good grade. Even the professor said it was a good paper, but she still gave her a D. The type of student I am I start an assignment when its given to me unless I really cant then I wont, other then that Ill start ASAP. I put my all into something and I finish it right when I start it. I usually get the grade I think I deserve. The point of that example is because you may put your all into something and still not get the grade you deserved. All professors have different opinions, so does tutors and even friends. Its all about opinions, beliefs, the past, so much things.