Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Issue's -_-

I've had two major issue's since this semester started. My first issue was the financial one. At one point the deadline for the Fall 2010 bill was coming up. I was in SEOP and I feel as though if i wasnt I probably wouldnt be here. I didnt know that date was approaching until my friends told me. Me and a couple of people when to the Wintergreen building and it took a while but everything was sorted out just 1 day before the due date. I was so lucky because at first I didnt have the full amount but after a few talks and strings being pulled I accomplished my goal. My second issue was the non-heat I had in my room. I do not like to be cold at all and my dorm room was below zero. I couldnt take it. I'm extremely anemic so I was always in here shivering. I told my CC and she said its because of the construction. I was like ok a few more days is fine but then things started to get serious and I needed the heat. So i made another complaint a few weeks later and as of now my dorm is room. I can sleep a lot better and more peacefully and comfortably (:

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