Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How This Semester Changed Me, Thanks To Inquiry (:

When I first saw that I had this class called Inquiry on my schedule I starred at it. I was thinking to myself “what is Inquiry?” I never thought to Google the word and find out its definition, I just asked around. I then heard that it’s a class freshmen take. I learned that it’s here to help us adjust to college, since we transitioned from high school and we also would discuss the book we were told to read over the summer. Throughout the semester some of my freshmen friends said they discussed the book and some said they didn’t. I honestly didn’t finish the book, but I know the point of the book is to teach us diversity. That this school has a lot of diversity, but it’s nothing hard to handle. My high school was very diverse so I adjusted easily. INQ was a simple class to me. I feel as though some of the work was extra, but I did what I could and I feel like I did learn some things. We talked a lot about time management, team work, creativity, leadership, involvement, responsibility and many others. I feel like the most important words that stood out to me are involvement, time management, leadership and responsibility. Once in college you’re on your own. No one is going to push you to do work or go to class. You have to depend on yourself to get up out of bed and go to class, once there pay attention and acquire the knowledge you have to then take it and complete whatever work your told to do.
The biggest difference I see in college compared to high school is that you have to stay ahead of the game. In college most likely you’re given a syllabus which has all work, due dates etc from that day until the last week of the semester. It’s your responsibility to look at the syllabus and do the work. In my opinion this builds remembrance. It forces you to remember that you have to check your syllabus and make sure the work is done completely and ready for the day its due. Whether you do it or not is your responsibility, no one is going to force you to do work. In INQ this responsibility was pushed on us. We weren’t reminded of due dates, we were given work and a due date then when that due date came the work was asked for and you either had it or you didn’t. I remember when I found out we were going to have to blog. I was like “oh my god!” I’ve never blogged before. I don’t like to blog and even after having to blog I still don’t. The one thing that’s cool about blogging is that you get to express your opinion on whatever it is you’re talking about. I like to express my opinion, I think it’s cool. With blogging we had two a week that was due my midnight every Saturday. I sometimes missed that due date but I’m not going to make excuses. At the end of the day I still did it and received half credit.
We were also given these readings to do. Each always had a main point. One that I remember is that sometimes multi-tasking isn’t always the way to go. I did agree with that article. I feel like you shouldn’t always multi-task. Some things deserve your undivided attention. We had a lot of articles on time management too. I feel like Mrs. Guarino pushed time management on us, but I don’t blame her. It’s something that every college student should know. I feel like I manage my time well. The only thing that gets me is that I tend to forget things easily. I have to write sticky notes that remind me to check my syllabus or to make sure I do something that due. I’m not a procrastinator though, so I always do work once I know I have to. We also did group projects and individual projects. My individual project was based on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I feel like everybody is motivated from within or the outside. Without motivation how will anybody get anything done? You always have some type of motivation telling you to go to class, to do your work, to study and everything else.
I remember the day Mrs. G came in, set down some papers, wrote “take one” on the board and left. It was basically a scavenger hunt. The next time we had class we discussed it. I realized the point of that was to see how we can get things done without knowing we have to do it, basically working under pressure. My group got a fair amount of things done. We did what we could and was settled with that. Overall I learned what I had to from that project. It annoyed me a little while doing it but I didn’t let that get the best of me, I still did it and it was completed.
Because of this class I did accomplish the fact that I have to remember to get work that’s due, done. I learned how to manage my time better and that multi-tasking isn’t always the right things to do. I did also learn some more responsibility; I mean you can never go wrong with learning that. In high school I never knew how to study. I know studying is something that everybody should do, it’s a big help but I never knew how to study. Once in college I took the time to learn and I do a lot of it when I need to. I feel like it’s one of the main key things in college. Some people don’t need to study, while others do. Some things you don’t need to study for but studying is definitely something that everybody should do at some point. How you perform on work or some sort is key too. Professors aren’t going to take the time to get to know every student. One way for them to know you is by watching how you interact in class and by how your papers are. It’s best that you take the time to do your work, to look over it, get help if needed, get feedback, all types of ways to “perfect” your paper. I feel as though it’s best for you to get personal with your paper. The more personal you get the better. Anybody that can connect to their paper and compare “life” or anything like that to their paper is good. When I write I include personal experiences, personal feelings or opinion and things like that. I feel like those things make a paper that much better.
There was this “thing” that we did throughout the semester. It was called Campus Safari. It was this kind of game where every week we had to turn in some sort of paper that proved we visited something on campus. The point of it was to get to the campus and its resources. Mrs. G made us visit the health center, the radio station, the multi-cultural center, the writing center. She made us involve ourselves in things that happened around the campus too like speeches, artistic plays like musicals and comedy plays. We had to visit the library and take out a book, visit the secretary of our major and get their info, talk to a CC and find out what it takes to become one and what kind of roles they play. We had to attend a sports event, some type of lecture and plenty of things like that. It was kind of fun. The fact that we had to do it is why I did it at first, but then I caught on to the point of it and realized its cool and something to do. People make it seem as if college is so very different from high school. In ways it is very different but in other ways it isn’t. The biggest difference is taking the responsibility to motivate yourself to get things done, and get them done on time. The work is the same it’s just a lot more to do. From my little freshman experience it’s kind of easy to get through as long as you stay on top of your game.  
Throughout the semester I showed myself that I am a very motivated person. I know that I can always count on myself to get something done. I know I’m a very dependable person. When in a group anybody can depend on me to do anything that comes my way or to take the responsibility to do something no one else wants to do. I realized that I more motivated to do something that’s easy to me or something that I understand verses something that confusing or if I don’t fully understand what I should do yet. One thing I like about myself is that I’ll always do the work, if I don’t it’s because I chose not to and I’m not a person that would chose not to do work. Overall in INQ I feel like I did complete this class. I learned what I had to and I am walking out of that class with new knowledge acquired.
Regrets? No way. I don’t think anything should be regretted. Everything happens for a reason so just continue with life and become a better person with those mistakes. All I can do is learn from what I’ve done in INQ class and use that to be a better person. I feel as though I did learn a lot from that class. In some cases I’ve improved some skills I already acquired. I can say that I take more time to study for other classes since I realized how important it is to study. I realized that some professors may throw things at you and that you have to learn to not complain and just get it done. After having this class I am more into college. I’m more into what it takes to be an actual college student. How you have to apply yourself to do things you make not want to do. I can say I have become more of a college student. Making sure I have things done on time, that I go to class even if I’m late for whatever reason, paying attention in class, taking notes and going back to my dorm or study area then doing the work I have to do. I understand that there are plenty of people I can go to for help for any reason on this campus. They have tutors and things like that. I’m glad that SCSU isn’t this party college. I feel like I would maybe be caught up in it if it was so in a whole way I’m glad it’s not. My classmates were also fun. I liked how we had the same INQ and ENG class. We would come together as a class and discuss things like the INQ readings and what was due when. We kind of helped each other out which was really awesome. I’m leaving that class with some awesome friends. Overall, I enjoyed some days in INQ and some days I didn’t. Enjoying it isn’t what’s best though the fact that I learned what I had to is and I’m grateful for that class.   

My Otherhalf Titani ♥

My Newest & Silliest Friend Jessica ((:

Spring 2011, Here I Come :D

For the Spring semester of 2011 I don’t have actual plans yet but I can say I have a few. My schedule is completely different so I plan on actually getting enough sleep and eating breakfast every day. I plan to stay on top of my game, making sure I have work done before its due. Getting everything finished and out of the way for every class is a number one goal. I plan to get more involved. I honestly don’t like the cold. I feel as though the cold weather is causing everybody to stay tucked inside their dorms or houses which are making the campus so boring! Maybe when it gets hot again people will be more motivated to find fun things to do, therefore making on-campus living a better place ((: I plan to up my GPA. I don’t want to get any grade lower than a C. I have to motivate myself more next semester then this one. Hopefully I have a job. I feel as though a having a job would be even more motivation more me. It’ll also force more responsibility on me because I’ll have to have everything I do nice and planned out, and then make sure it gets done at that time. Overall, I want to up my academic effort in the spring 2011 semester.     

What Ill Miss ):

What I like about my INQ and ENG class is that we tend to agree on a lot of things. We all come from different backgrounds and different parts of CT, some not from CT but we always come together when its decision time. I feel as though we discuss a lot of the work that’s due between classes as a whole, we discuss schedules, registration. We help each other out with things that one person might not understand. I guess you could say we’re here for each other. I’ve made some cool friends in both of those classes. I feel as though everybody is unique in their own way. There’s one thing I like about each person. I like how we always helped each other out when someone didn’t have a topic for a paper, or when someone didn’t know what to write for a blog or where something is on campus that is due for a campus safari. The fact that everybody took the time to help each other out is what I love the most and it’s also what I’ll miss. Everybody in INQ and Eng are so silly too. Everybody has jokes and its funny because were up at 8am yawning, everybody is hungry or tired but we still manage to make each other laugh :D I love how we bonded instantly, people were shy but eventually were all like laughing and talking together about things, and that’s what I’m going to miss the most about INQ and ENG.  

In A Couple Years ...

In a couple years I can picture myself out of college, well graduated. I want to be a Psychologist so I’ll be working in an office. Maybe at this particular time in life I won’t have my own office so I’ll probably be working in someone else's office for the time being. I plan to have my own apartment, no kids, and one car. I plan to have a dog, one that doesn’t grow. I’ll have my friends, ones I met in high school and the one's I met in college. I plan to have my family beside me too. I won’t say everything will be perfect, but I hope things are ok with my life. Hopefully I'm not in debt or owe any money to anybody. I plan to have everything I couldn’t give myself as a teenager. The kind of person I am I have a lot of wants. I don't expect them to be filled right away, but I hope at some point it is filled. Maybe I’ll have a boyfriend or some type of male figure in my life. I hope my mom, dad, aunts, uncles and grandparents are doing ok. I expect that I will mature more and take things that much more seriously. I feel as though I mature easily, the type of person that lets experiences better her. Hopefully my life is on point. I hope everything is going good and is ok for me. To top off what I'm saying: I hope I have everything I've dreamed of and accomplished most of my goals.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving ((:

My mom and my aunt decided that both of them don’t need to cook so for thanksgiving my aunt cooked at her house. My mom did help though. She made some of the food like the fried chicken, the Mac n' cheese and the curry goat. She also made some of the desert like the cake and the cornbread. We had a lot of food and I had a lot to eat. Dinner started at 6pm - ish. All together we had fried chicken, curry goat, oxtail, stew peas, white rice, rice and peas, Mac n' cheese, stew chicken, fried fish, cornbread, chocolate cake, potato salad, and ham. I made a full plate because I was sooooo hungry and I brought home two plates full of food. After eating we all just sat around and watched some football game, I don’t know what game because I wasn’t watching it. I was on the computer taking some of my best friends’ music. Then me and my cousin sat around and talked about her party because she was having one the next day. That was fun by the way, she looked nice and so did I. Overall, I had a blast that day and that night I had a good sleep. The first picture is me and my best friend Tashseanna. The second is a picture of my cousin's blessing the food on Thanksgiving. The third is (left to right) me, the birthday girl Davia, my best friend Deka and her friends Shaneka. The fourth is me and Deka boogy-ing LOL  :D

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Taking The Responsibility

So last night I had a party. Well it was more my little sitter’s sweet sixteen. I invited a few people because I birthday had just pasted and I was going to cut my cake with her. First off I got to the party late because I got my outfit ready at the last minute then when I got to the party I was really mad because I didn’t like the crowd. It was really packed. Most of the crowd was ok but the crowd to my right was just bad. I wanted them all to leave because I felt like something bad was going to happen and they were being too bad. I then went to find the friends I invited. I felt as though their safety was in my hands so I took that responsibility. These kids were dancing and next thing you know their getting ready to fight. Some of them were kicked out while the rest just left. I was happy because now I know the party will be good and it did because everybody felt more comfortable  so they were dancing and things like that then I hear that kids were outside shooting. I was like oh my god so my cousin grabs me and went towards the back. Once we got back their I grabbed all my friends and kept them together to make sure I can see them. Everything started to come to an end so I was like ok. They then started kicking everybody out the club. I made sure my friends stayed with me until the crowd goes out and clears. Their rides started coming slowly and I also told them to call me in 5 minutes after they left so I knew they were ok.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Issue's -_-

I've had two major issue's since this semester started. My first issue was the financial one. At one point the deadline for the Fall 2010 bill was coming up. I was in SEOP and I feel as though if i wasnt I probably wouldnt be here. I didnt know that date was approaching until my friends told me. Me and a couple of people when to the Wintergreen building and it took a while but everything was sorted out just 1 day before the due date. I was so lucky because at first I didnt have the full amount but after a few talks and strings being pulled I accomplished my goal. My second issue was the non-heat I had in my room. I do not like to be cold at all and my dorm room was below zero. I couldnt take it. I'm extremely anemic so I was always in here shivering. I told my CC and she said its because of the construction. I was like ok a few more days is fine but then things started to get serious and I needed the heat. So i made another complaint a few weeks later and as of now my dorm is room. I can sleep a lot better and more peacefully and comfortably (:

This Caught My Eye (:

"Live the life you love, love the life you live!"

I've never heard this quote before and I really love it =]

The "Mind Thinking" Class, Psychology =]

The one class that always has me moving is my Psychology 100 class. I have that class Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:10am to 9:00am. That early in the morning most of the time I'm tired and hungry. I sometimes do not have time to eat so I go to class and get food after. Anyways, I'm always sleepy but once I'm in that class and the Prefessor Lenny starts to talk I'm wide awake. He's literally makes that class extremely interesting. My major is Psychology so it interests me anyways but even if it wasnt I know I would be interested. Everything he talks about he has a story to help explain it or a simular example to help break down what he means. He show pictures, plays movies and uses his family, friends, neighbors and sometimes clients to help break down his purpose. I had that class today and I was really tired. The topic was sleep ironically and dreams. He asked the class who sleepwalks and I told him I sleep talk. He also talked about how not getting enough sleep can basically make you crazy. He gave us a bunch of sleeping disorders like Narcolepsy and some sleep facts like 20 Million people in the US have sleeping problems. He also discussed how not getting enough sleep is bad which I realized I need to be getting enough sleep. He explained dreams and how when babies start to cry or anything like that in their sleep it isnt a big deal. Overall I love that class. I would recommend it to anybody.

Comfort Zonee (:

My place where i like to study is right in my nice warm room, on my nice soft comfy bed with my teddy bear Baby. He's my love, I love him sooo much <3 I always study with him next to me. I study in this spot because it's always quiet and its comfortable. I can have on my pajamas, blast me music loud and sit how I want. I can even make something to eat in this spot while studying, doing homework, writing notes or anything in that matter. When I'm ready to take a break to either go to the bathroom or get something to eat, or even to just relax a little from the intensity of doing so much work I can just push it over to the side for a few and relax. I like to multitask so I can even check text here and there or accept calls sometimes if I'm not too busy. Overall this is the spot where I get all of my work done, I'm very satisfied with this spot, it’s the most comfy for me. Other places I would probably take a book out for class and ready or take a few notes is in the Student Center in one of the cubby-like tables with my back turned towards the crowds. I get distracted easily when people and things around me are on the go so if my back is turned and I’m doing something simple I can do it there.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Relieving Stress

Something that I did to relieve stress was going home. It’s crazy because I thought I wasn’t going to be able to go home but I actually did in the end. I like to come home because there is always something to do. Most of my friends come home too so we usually get together and find something to do. I also come home because I miss my family. My mom misses me and my little brother and I know they do and I miss them too so I come home to see them. Usually when I come home I’m either with my best friend Lala and my cousin Toya. We usually just drive around going to see other people or go from store to store or to the mall. My cousin has a baby so if we have her we just chill at my house. Sometimes I go to New Britain to chill with some more of my friends that live out there or they come to my house and we just relax. Every weekend its different because I may either be with my little cousin and my friend, with my best friends, with my mom and some family friends, with my cousin or at my other little cousins house. I always enjoy going home because to me it’s relaxing. I always have something to do but when I’m at school its nothing to do so I’m always bored. Sometimes I forget I have to blog and I forget! But I always end up doing it right on time.    

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Recap On The Articles

The question that I really could relate to is the question Shannon asked. She asked something that was related to students feeling as though they deserve one grade but in reality get another. In my opinion it all depends. Some students will indeed try their hardest on an assignment and get a grade they didnt think they should get or deserve. One example I could think of is my roommate. She isnt good in English so when she had a paper to do she had it checked three times. Twice with the professor and once with a tutor. Since Im good in English she asked me & I gave my opinion theneverything is cool. When she was given her final grade it was a D. Honestly I dont think she deserved it and she doesnt either. I watched as she took almost a week's time to get that paper perfected and didnt get a good grade. Even the professor said it was a good paper, but she still gave her a D. The type of student I am I start an assignment when its given to me unless I really cant then I wont, other then that Ill start ASAP. I put my all into something and I finish it right when I start it. I usually get the grade I think I deserve. The point of that example is because you may put your all into something and still not get the grade you deserved. All professors have different opinions, so does tutors and even friends. Its all about opinions, beliefs, the past, so much things.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Something Different You Ask

On saturday I went on a haunted trail type of thing. It was in CT I dont know which part but I went with some family friends. We waited in the longest line ever and as time passed it got colder and colder. It started off as a trolley ride. I rode one of the oldest trolly's that used to run through that part of Ct back in the 1300's. It was very interesting. The trolly was indeed old, the conductor said its so old that if you threw your head back against the glass, your head could go straight through. That was scary. Soon the ride started and off we went. It was a 5-8 minute ride when the conductor said "Sometimes these ATV riders start fires on the track OMG!" then she ran off. Next thing you know all these scary monster's, all types of people ad things came on the trolly! I wasnt very scared but at certain points I was. They didnt touch you but they got as close as can be. They had the little things that were like sticks & you could set them on fire. They had chainsaw's, glow in the dark worms (lol), firecrackers, all types of things. Then we rode backwards. We stood in line for the Haunted House next. It was another conductor. He was like showing us different types of trolly's. This was kind of scary because we were on foot. People were popping out of nowhere, people were following us. It was so creepy! Overall I had a lot of fun. I've never been to a haunted house or on a trolly ride. My weekend was exciting (:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Midterm Grades

Four out of five of my class’s grades are up and I like what I’m seeing so far. My grades aren’t horrible, I have two B’s & a C. For those three classes I just make sure I go to each class, write all the notes that I can, study, write extra notes, look over my notes, things like that to make sure I stay caught up in my classes. I have a lot of free time so I use a lot of it doing homework, studying or doing homework.  My math grade is the only grade I don’t like. Overall I don’t like math. I’m just not good at it so I don’t like it. The only thing I think I should do is get extra help because I attend every class, I pay attention, write notes, do my homework & class work but sometimes it just doesn’t click. So when I think I have it I really don’t. I’m going to start going to a tutor & attending my professor’s office hours so she can help me. Also practicing more problems & things like that because I don’t want to fail & I want to pass with a good grade. My final class we haven’t been given our midterm yet but I’m not worried because to me the class is easy to learn & to adjust to so I don’t think the midterm will be a problem. I’m not ready yet but I will be soon. Overall I think my grades aren’t bad for a midterm grade, except for math. I’ll just make sure to continue being on task & staying ahead of the game.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Readings

The reading about students expectation is the reading that stuck out the most to me. I fully understand the part where Professor Grossman said: “I tell my classes that if they just do what they are supposed to do and meet the standard requirements, that they will earn a C,” he said. “That is the default grade. They see the default grade as an A.” I agree with this because I think everybody see's this as the grade you get when you do all your work and earn high grades, attend class everyday and pay attention.  Mr. Greenwood said: “If you put in all the effort you have and get a C, what is the point?nIf someone goes to every class and reads every chapter in the book and does everything the teacher asks of them and more, then they should be getting an A like their effort deserves. If your maximum effort can only be average in a teacher’s mind, then something is wrong.” I especially agree with the last sentence because no teacher should be able to sum up a students effort in their mind. It should be something to really think about. Overall i feel as though this isnt the way to get an A. I think it all depends on the student's grades earned, participation, notes, and things like that. An A is the highest grade that can be achieved but its not always what you'll get.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Good Blogging (:

Honestly I don’t know what makes a good blog post. I don’t know anybody that blogs on the daily. I was never really into blogging and I don’t know anybody that’s into blogging so if I don’t answer this question properly I’m sorry. I’ll just go off of what I think. In my opinion a good blog post is very detailed. It should be something like writing a paper. An introduction, main ideas with supporting details and a conclusion. Anybody that reads it should automatically understand what it is about other than from reading the title. Say you are blogging about a movie review. You are supposed to talk about what made it a good movie and/or a bad movie. Everything you say you have to explain and back up. If I was writing a review and it was about Toy Story 3 I would say that movie is funny and very dramatic. I would say funny because of the part where Woody is escaping from the daycare with a kite and just before he lands the kite makes him fly up in the air. That part was funny to me. It was dramatic because towards the end when they were about to die, the fire was roaring and everybody was holding hands then the Martians came & rescued them. It was extremely dramatic. That would just be an example of how you should explain yourself. Overall I think a good blog is understandable and expresses its purpose vividly. You shouldn’t have a issue understanding.

My Major =)

My Major is Psychology. It took me a while to make this my final decision. As high school started I wanted to be a lawyer but I was told it’s a lot of school, time & money. That didn’t bother me as much but then I realized it is not something I would enjoy so I switched to wanting to be a doctor. I didn’t know what type of doctor yet. Sooner or later I was told being a doctor takes a lot of science & math. I dislike both those subject & I’m not good in either. I thought I could deal but then I realized almost everybody in my family does something that’s close to being a doctor or in the medical field so I switched again. Plus I realized I wouldn’t have fun in that field. It just wasn’t me. My senior year I realized how good I am with people, how good I am at helping people cope with life problems. Any type of problems, I was always the go to person. The person with the answer so then I said hey I could be a psychologist. That then was my final decision because I feel I can deal with people’s problems no matter how hard. I hate to see people stressed out or worried all the time. I always feel the need to help plus I always have fun so I said why not make it into a career. I don’t want to have a career I don’t find fun, so I switched to psychology & I’m sticking with it.

Friday, October 1, 2010


At first the INQ Midterm Project was so confusing to me but after reading it multiple times, talking with classmates & with Ms. Guarino I understand it more. I know how I want to put it together & who I’ll interview I just don’t know what my topic is. I feel extremely indecisive because I either want to talk about multi-tasking or the intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. I think both are nice topics I just don’t know what kind of questions to ask to make the topic is explained more. With multi-tasking my main question is: where is the line drawn for how much you can do at once when it comes to multi-tasking? & for motivation I was going to ask: how much of a want should you or can you have in order to do something whether you have to or want to? I think both re nice I just done know what other questions I can ask before I ask that question. I mean help me out here INQ class, what do you think would really bring any of these two topic’s out? I don’t really know but I’m going to think more about both & come to a conclusion before this day is over, then dedicate my Saturday to asking my few people the question & put my first draft project together.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The SCSU Vs ACI Football Game (:

I attended the SCSU – ACI football game. It actually turned out really fun. I’ve never really attended a football game. I always go to basketball games so it was exciting. There are plenty of things I don’t know about football so half of the time I was asking questions. My friend Randall was telling me all about it. There was times when ACI made goals but didn’t get the points because of some type of something they did while running I guess. I don’t know I don’t remember what he said. All I remember is the ACI member at the goal with the ball, then upset because he didn’t get the points. It was fun cheering. We were stomping, cheering “SCSU!” screaming, it was fun. The cheerleaders were fun, so was the owl & the drum line. People have a lot of school spirit. This one guy was shirtless with bow’s (like they put on presents) on his chest & had face paint on. Another guy had on a green body suit from head to toe. It was funny & I thought it was cool of him to do, but I would never do it. I saw Oscar & his hair was blue. The football game was packed! It was loud, live & exciting. I actually loved it while I was there, but I didn’t stay for the whole game because I got tired, cold & had class the next morning. If I didn’t have class I would of stayed the whole game! Plus we won :D

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time Management: My Opinion

What is time management? In my opinion time management is when you manage your time wisely. Doing what’s most important first, from hardest to easiest then doing what’s not so important after. I know people who think time management is the best thing that was ever invented, as to people who just don’t care. Then there’s people who use time management, but only because they have to. Personally I don’t manage my time. Well I manage my time, but not on paper. I know how I am & I know how to sort work & play time out so I can get things done. The only thing I usually do is procrastinate, but that’s just how I am. When it comes to papers that are due, I finish then within an hour depending on the type of paper & I always get it done the day it’s given to me most likely. Things like readings or math I would do a day before due. I feel like if I manage my time on paper ill confuse myself. The way my life is, things come up, things change, or distractions occur so ill eventually end up off track & confused. I just feel like time management on paper isn’t for me. I’m better off doing it in my head like saying: “I’m going to go to my dorm & do my math, then write notes for psychology, take a nap then wake up & write notes for wellness”. That would be the schedule for today. For tomorrow I’ll probably do one of my blogs, get my safari things finished, get the readings finished & take a nap. In between those things I’ll be socializing, eating, bathroom breaks etc. I multitask a lot. I do write sticky notes, write on my calendar & in my planner days that are important & assignments that are due then tell myself to do one thing on a certain day to prepare for the day its due. Overall yes I’m into time management I just don’t take the time to write my daily tasks down.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Random [:

So I decided to blog about why I didn’t blog on time this week. I came home for the weekend. Friday night I had company for the whole day so I told myself ill do it Saturday night when I get home from the mall. I was thinking like there’s no way I’ll be home after 12am so I can do it when I get home, since I had no time to do it before. I ended up getting home after two am -__- I came to my room like great I didn’t blog & it’s after twelve, I’m screwed. It was already too late so I decided I would do it now. I started it at 10am, but I had to leave so I didn’t finish. Now I’m back in my dorm, finish up this blog. I obviously learned my lesson, never to put off what’s important for something that isn’t so important. I don’t know why I waited so long because I had a whole week, but I did & I regret it. Next time I know to do it & finish it so it’s out of the way & I don’t have to worry about it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Readings

My favorite reading would have to be the reading called 10,000 hours for success. The way they put this reading together was interesting. How they put certain people in certain groups then took the time to dig deep into their past & discover that those who were called “the stars” were more passionate about their music over the ones who were likely to be music teachers. Study’s like this show that if you’re passionate about what you want to be, like if you have a real want & need to be successful in a certain field it’s possible with time & effort. But even so some people are very successful in things they don’t work hard in, but I would call that luck or life. I don’t agree with the 10,000 hours being the number of success though. I mean you don’t have to have that much hours of anything to be successful. I think it’s just how bad you want something & how hard you’re willing to work for it.

The Adjustment

One obstacle I can say I had to adjust to & get over with is the fact that I have to blog! I have never blogged before & cud never see myself blogging. I find it so boring, pointless & a waste of time BUT this is college & I have to be mature about this. I just do what I have to & do my best in it. I make sure to give it a lot of detail so it doesn’t seem like I’m a slacker or don’t care because I do. I mean it’s cool that you get to make a profile, add pictures and things like that. The fact that I have to write it is what annoys me. I mean what’s the true point of blogging. You can compare it to Facebook because it’s a way to network but it’s different because Facebook is my choice ; whereas blogging I have to do. I never even know what to write about. The bad thing is I have a maximum amount of writing I have to do & I try my best to meet it. Other than blogging college is very acceptable. I like everything else about all my classes. I’m not being given a lot of work or work that I can’t do. The way that I face this obstacle is by just doing it. I mean it’s either that or fail this part of the homework which isn’t an option. I’m not the type to give up or just not do something because I don’t want to so I just blog & get it over with.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Those Fivee Things !

1) Determined

2) Music Is Life ♪ ♫ ♪

3) Love Money Happiness

4) Astrology Freak (:

5) Educated Mind

I would call myself determined because once I go after something I won’t stop until I get or accomplish it. I don’t like to give up, I get real determined. I also get serious with the things I do. My future for example I am very dedicated to my future. I will do what I have to so my future is bright. I take precautions on things I know could mess my future up. Music is something that keeps me together. Without music I don’t know what I will do. When I’m sad, down, crying, depressed, anything music always come through for me. It makes me feel better about a lot of situations. It’s the one thing that always understands me & can compare to how I feel. Love, money, & happiness. The three words I love! I love to love, I love the feeling. What more can I say? Money. I love money. Honestly it’s the other thing that keeps me motivated. The idea of money makes me happy. Knowing I have money keeps me happy. Happiness is needed in life. I do my best to stay happy. Astrology, I don’t know why but I love astrology. Comparing and contrasting birthdays; telling someone who they’re compatible with, things like that. Educated mind. I find myself educated with a want & need for more. I love to be educated. To me it’s fun being able to learn new things. People that think they know everything is a turn off. The ignorant mind is the one that doesn’t like to learn.

College !! (:

"Inquiry?? I never even heard of that word." those were my first thoughts; like what is that class?? After careful explanation I realized it’s a mandatory class for all incoming freshman. As of right now I can’t really say it’s helpful because it’s only been a week o__O BUT my class is awesome! I've met & talked to everybody in my class & they all seem like wonderful people. It’s cool that everybody is outgoing ... well we all talk a lot because in the last two classes, a lot of talking took place. The game we played on the first day was cool. It like forced us to talk to each other which I didn’t mind. I turned to Nikki & said "Uhhhh favorite color??" As for Inquiry it’s an ok class so far, can’t really judge something I don’t know yet. The people are cool on the plus side =]

Defining college is like defining love. It has multiple meanings & everyone's opinion is always different. To me College is the other side of the door. The next step to your future. Once you’re in college you begin to shape your future with the decisions you make & the things you do. College is my guidance to my future. The big help I need to get where I want to go. Being is college is the direction to your major. For instance I want to be a psychologist so college is that thing I need to become one. The education, or smarts, I should have to become what I want. Academically being a student in college means waking up every morning and bringing myself to class, getting my class work & homework done, reading, studying; basically doing what I have to so I can succeed. Socially it helps me meet new people. Beginning College one might be shy. I think once in college you have to overcome that shyness. Personally it’s my step into adult hood. The time in life where I have to become a woman. Taking care of myself, making sure I stay on task & do what I have to do. Growing up (: